import*; import java.util.Scanner; public class ListTester { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("List tester."); // Make the list manager. ListMan lm1 = new ListMan(); lm1.setName("Magic Items"); lm1.setDesc("These are some of my favorite things."); // Make some list items. ListItem item1 = new ListItem(); item1.setName("+2 ring"); item1.setDesc("precious"); item1.setCost(42.2112); item1.setNext(null); // Redundant, but safe. ListItem item2 = new ListItem(); item2.setName("Cloak of Doom"); item2.setDesc("Scary"); item2.setCost(666); item2.setNext(null); // Still redundant. Still safe. ListItem item3 = new ListItem(); item3.setName("broad sword"); item3.setDesc("sharp"); item3.setCost(12); item3.setNext(null); // Still redundant. Still safe. // Put items in the list. lm1.add(item1); lm1.add(item2); lm1.add(item3); final String fileName = "magic.txt"; readMagicItemsFromFile(fileName, lm1); // Display the list of items. System.out.println(lm1.toString()); // Ask player for an item. Scanner inputReader = new Scanner(; System.out.print("What item would you like? "); String targetItem = new String(); targetItem = inputReader.nextLine(); System.out.println(); ListItem li = new ListItem(); li = sequentialSearch(lm1, targetItem); if (li != null) { System.out.println(li.toString()); } } // // Private // private static ListItem sequentialSearch(ListMan lm, String target) { ListItem retVal = null; System.out.println("Searching for " + target + "."); int counter = 0; ListItem currentItem = new ListItem(); currentItem = lm.getHead(); boolean isFound = false; while ( (!isFound) && (currentItem != null) ) { counter = counter +1; if (currentItem.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(target)) { // We found it! isFound = true; retVal = currentItem; } else { // Keep looking. currentItem = currentItem.getNext(); } } if (isFound) { System.out.println("Found " + target + " after " + counter + " comparisons."); return currentItem; } else { System.out.println("Could not find " + target + " in " + counter + " comparisons."); } return retVal; } private static void readMagicItemsFromFile(String fileName, ListMan lm) { File myFile = new File(fileName); try { Scanner input = new Scanner(myFile); while (input.hasNext()) { // Read a line from the file. String itemName = input.nextLine(); // Construct a new list item and set its attributes. ListItem fileItem = new ListItem(); fileItem.setName(itemName); fileItem.setCost(Math.random() * 100); fileItem.setNext(null); // Still redundant. Still safe. // Add the newly constructed item to the list. lm.add(fileItem); } // Close the file. input.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { System.out.println("File not found. " + ex.toString()); } } }